Colorado Institute for Energy, Materials and Computational Science
Colorado Institute for Energy, Materials and Computational Science
Welcome to the Colorado Institute for Energy, Materials and Computational Science or CIEMACS.
CIEMACS is an interdisciplinary research center at Colorado School of Mines with a focus on problems at the nexus of energy, materials and scientific computing. CIEMACS maintains a shared facilities laboratory in Alderson Hall 463 for its members and these tools can also be made available to the campus and the public. CIEMACS supports a technician, Mark Graas, who maintains this space and provides appropriate user training.
On the rest of our site, you can get a quick summary of the major tools available as well as links to the homepages of the faculty who are affiliated with the center. We would love to help support your next research project. For more information on working with the center, please contact me directly; for inquiries on facility use, please contact Mark.
Colin Wolden
CIEMACS Director

Colin Wolden
CIEMACS Director
Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering

Mark Graas
CIEMACS Facilities Manager